I was stranded in the middle of a volcano eruption and lava was slowly running around me. I saw a giant Mother Durga or Lakshmi in a red sari standing and looking at me. I felt at peace and safe while looking at her and I was unharmed as the larva made its way around me.
This dream may represent a challenging time in your life where you feel like you are in the middle of a dangerous situation or crisis. However, the presence of Mother Durga or Lakshmi in your dream indicates that you have a strong sense of protection, comfort, and guidance from a higher power. The red sari is significant because it symbolizes passion, strength, and courage. The fact that you were unharmed by the lava in the dream suggests that you have the ability to overcome obstacles and come out of difficult situations unscathed. Overall, this dream may represent your faith, inner strength, and ability to persevere through challenging times.